Psoriasis Treatment In Chennai

Psoriasis can be described as a skin condition that can cause itchy or painful patches of red, thick skin covered with silvery scales. It is common to find the patches on your knees, elbows or back, scalp, face, palms, and feet, however, they may also appear in other areas that comprise your body. People with psoriasis may are also affected by a type of arthritis referred to as psoriatic arthritis..
Symptoms of Psoriasis
- White flakes of skin shedding
- Red rashes of skin with white scales
- Painful joints on the fingers
- Dandruff like flakes falling from scalp
- Dry skin that itches
Types of Psoriasis
- Plaque Psoriasis
- Scalp Psoriasis
- Nail Psoriasis
Causes of Psoriasis
Psoriasis happens when the skin's cells get replaced faster than normal skin. But still now there is no clear reason for this, but studies suggest that it's due to an issue in the immune system and also another factor is hereditary (genetic) which is also the important factor for causes of psoriasis.
Treatments for Psoriasis in Chennai
Most of the Psoriasis skin treatments are given for longer duration to control the inflammation.
The following are the treatments for Psoriasis
- Steroid ointments to be applied on the rashes
- Moisturisers to hydrate the skin
- Non-steroidal ointments for maintaining the skin
- Vitamin-D analogues to control the skin rashes
- Immuno modulator drugs to control the disease
Scalp Psoriasis mimics dandruff of scalps but the former produces localized thick skin that sheds scales and does not respond to anti-fungal treatments.
Treatment varies between few months to few years but never stop the treatment without doctor’s advice.
The steroids if taken without proper guidance might give few side effects which are most of the time preventable under doctor’s advice.